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Grow your business
with a custom built app

Transform your online business presence using our expert mobile app design services and see your app live in the apple store and google play store.


Easy to maintain mobile apps where scale meets simplicity.

Moon Digital produces native apps for iPhone, Android or mobile web apps across a range of business sectors. What sets us apart is that wherever possible we build the apps without code so that the on-going maintenance and edits are easier and quicker to do, whether that's by us or yourselves in-house.  No coding issues, no on-going high developer costs, less hassle, less expense!


Our creative and experienced team of mobile app designers and digital specialists help brands and start-ups at all stages of their business. 


Get in touch — we have the know-how to create big moments on the small screen!

Mobile users spend 88% of their time on mobile apps

It's now well known that consumers prefer mobile apps over websites because of better user experience, speed, additional features, and offers. Consumers are increasingly making purchases on mobile devices, which can have a big impact on the customer journey — and on your business.


While your business website needs to be optimised for mobile, it still can’t beat the experience of an app. Apps have fewer distractions, are faster for mobile users, and come with useful features like push notifications and geotargeting. They can be great for marketing too, with push notifications getting 3x more opens than emails!


Get in touch today to discuss your mobile app needs.


67% of ecommerce happens on mobile
Boost revenue and brand presence
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Stay in their minds and connect
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How it works

Step 1. Consultation Call


The first consultation is a crucial part of our process. We begin with a discovery call and ask lots of questions, to make sure we understand everything you need from your app and we can answer any questions that you may have.


Book in a call here >

Step 2. Proposal and Quote


The next step is we craft a written email proposal for you that meets your needs, creatively and financially. It outlines what you're trying to accomplish, timing and the costs involved.

Step 3. Creative Design and Build


Once you have accepted the mobile app quote and proposal and paid your deposit then we begin working on the project! We will also send you a list of all information required from you (such as app page content, logo, images, branding scheme, app icon).


You can expect to see the first draft of your app within 10 working days.

Step 4. Completion & Hand-Over


After you have seen the first draft we have a chat about the next steps. Here you can suggest some edits or additions you would like to see, and we can recap your original goals to keep us focused and check them against the app. We complete any amendments for you and arrange an online hand-over session once the final payment is received. We will also launch the app for you on the app store and/or google play store.

Let's chat about your mobile app

Our mobile apps and websites are helping businesses grow. Talk to our experts about your project.

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